Wow again how time flies. My last post was when Nicholas was 4 months. Today he is 6 months and what a little character. He has his doctor visit tomorrow so I will update with his new stats. He is now wearing 6-12 months barely. They are a little long but width wise they fit him right on. My newborn is going to be in 18-24mo - but that makes me sad so I will just squeeze him in these for a little longer and pretend he actually fits in these. He sits up great and plays for a long time before he falls over. He really doesn't care when he falls over though and bumps his head..he just laughs at himself and carries on with what he was playing with. He is seriously one of the happiest babies I have ever met. Jake was a good baby too but I'm not kidding Nicholas smiles all day long. He never wails out..if he gets cranky its either he is hungry or tired. What a little angel. We are finally putting him in his own crib this week. It makes me a little nervous because I can't watch over him but I think its time. Jake will be close by so I'm sure they will take good care of eachother. Nicholas now has tried all the vegetables and fruit and loves them all except for the green ones. He gags at every bite.
Jake has been participating in a lot more playdates now that the weather is getting somewhat better. We signed him up for a Tumble Bees class which he loves so far. Mommy even had fun too! We find out if he got in the preschool we signed him up for in April. Its like we are signing up for college. The process is hilarious to me but whatever if he gets in he gets in if not he is still only 3. My parents took us out to Benihana's and Jake was amazed at how fast the cook could cut the meats and vegetables while making music with his utensils and tossing food into his hat. Its still early because Jake hasn't had the opportunity to cook with me since then but I am curious to see if he tries this himself.
We have a lot of fun things ahead especially our vacation to Florida which we are really looking forward too. Jake is really excited to see Grandma and Papa Hoffman at their new house, the ocean, starfish, and Mickeys castle. He also really wants to go fast on the big jet. This is what he tells us. I love kids imagination!!!
Did he really say "jet?"
Actually I believe he did. I am so proud of Jake and enjoying his new class. What a big boy!! I can't wait to put Charlie into more classes this summer.
As for Nicholas....he really is a happy baby and they both put a smile on my face every time I see them!
See you guys soon!
It is about time you updated us! Nicholas and Jake look so cute in those pictures. It is hard to believe that 6 months have gone by already. Wow! Keep the updates coming. :o)
we are excited to see Jake and Nicholas along with Mom and Dad in Florida soon. Disney World won't ever be the same --- LOL.
Also excited to see Paul play baseball in Milwaukee Brewers Ball Park.
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