Nicholas loves standing in his saucer...I swear I can't believe he is already in this thing.
Jake teaching Nicholas how to work a computer
Nicholas loves his bath time...he just kicks the water over and over
Wow I cannot believe it. Nicholas had his 4 month check up on his 4 month birthday. He is growing like a weed. He weighs 16lbs. 10oz., is 25 in. long and his head is actually a little smaller than the average kid. Quite opposite of Jake. Everything looks great with him! He had to get 3 shots today and Jake was the cutest big brother. He held Nicholas' hand and said "that's ok Nicholas I'm right here for you" I swear the sayings that come out of his mouth are just too funny and sometimes really cute. Jake has been so good with Nicholas....he always brings a toy to him, gets him a binky when he is crying, and even helps him rollover, which now Nicholas can do quite well. Everyone has their own opinions, however we do not think Nicholas looks like Jake anymore except for his nose.
Paul has gone back to work and I can't believe I'm going to say this but it is easier now that he is back. God please don't punish me for saying that. For some reason the boys are on the same schedule with taking naps, eating, I now have time to workout everyday. Jake has been so well behaved and now even goes to the bathroom all by himself. He always went on the potty but now he tells me he can do it all by he pulls up his pants, wipes, and even washes his hands. I think when Paul was off we just didn't have a schedule. we had all the time in the world so we just put stuff off and passed the kids back and forth, Although we miss having daddy at home.
The video I attached is of Nicholas laughing really hard. We found his tickle spot, the upper thigh, he is just too cute.
Today or tomorrow we get to start Nicholas on cereal. I cannot wait because if he had teeth right now I think this kid would eat a steak. I am also taking on the adventure of making my own baby food. Hopefully I will stick with it when the time comes.